Falls of Foyers in Loch Ness

In the small village of Foyer, to the East of Loch Ness, you will find a waterfall called the Falls of Foyers. In gaelic it is called Eas na Smùide, which means “The Smoking Falls”. The falls are part of the River Foyers which feeds into the Loch Ness.

At the top of the falls you will find a small car park along with a general store and a cafe.  The walk to the falls can be accessed across the road, via a well maintened path leading down a series of steep steps to two viewpoints.

During the descent, I have the the anticipation and excitment of what natures reward will be. The noise of the falls getting steadily louder, with the last few steps presenting this spectacular view. The power and the sound of the water as it cascasdes over the rocks is something that always has me mesmorized.

The reward – Falls of Foyers

The falls has a 165 feet drop into a gorge, which then leads out to Loch Ness.

Robert Burns

The Falls of Foyers, inspired Robert (Robbie) Burns to write this poem in 1787 :

Among the heathy hills and ragged woods
The roaring Foyers pours his mossy floods;
Till full he dashes on the rocky mounds,
Where, through a shapeless breach, his stream resounds,
As high in air the bursting torrents flow,
As deep-recoiling surges foam below,
Prone down the rock the whitening sheet descends,
And viewless Echo’s ear, astonish’d rends.
Dim seen, through rising mists and ceaseless showers,
The hoary cavern, wide-surrounding, lowers.
Still, through the gap the struggling river toils,
And still, below, the horrid cauldron boils.

If you have time there are further walks through the forest and along the Gorge and if you are lucky, you may spot the shy Red squirrel who is resident in these parts.

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7 thoughts on “Falls of Foyers in Loch Ness

  1. Ooooo I am partial to a waterfall you know so I very much enjoyed looking and your photos and reading this story. I love that these falls inspired Robert Burn’s poem and that you shared it as well, thank you! I had to go back and look at the photos again – wonderful! #feetdotravel

  2. Wow, love the beautiful roaring waterfalls that still seem peaceful. The amazing photos and the information on how to get to the falls was wonderful. I especially felt inspired by the poem by Robert Burn. Thanks so much for sharing 🙂

  3. I love waterfalls and this ones are particularly beautiful. I keep forgetting that there are places like this in the UK. I have no excuse for not visiting Scotland yet! Thanks for sharing!

  4. How interesting to see this is where Loch Ness starts! I so want to get to that part of the world one day and do some massive hiking! I see you have been working on your blog too, great logo and design elements! Well done!

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