Rogie Falls in the Highlands

Along the A385, almost two miles from the village of Contin, we found some of the most spectacular waterfalls I have seen in the UK. These waterfalls are known as Rogie Falls and run along the Black Water river in Ross-shire, in the Highlands of Scotland.

Parking up in a well maintained car park, we picked up a leaflet detailing the walks to the falls from the notice board. There were two route options, one to take in the beautiful forest and another to walk to the falls. We decided to do them both as they were very short walks, less than a mile each in length.

We visited at a beautiful time of year, where autumn had only just arrived and the trees had just started to change colour.

The start of the walk from the car park the path leads through a forest, down a main track before turning off to a view point looking out to the hills.

A little more meandering between the trees of the beautiful forest, brought us out into a clearing where the autumnal colour all around was spectacular.

A short distance was the Black River which was moving very swiftly past us as it headed to the top of the falls. We continued to follow the river for a short way with the sound of the water becoming louder and louder.

The path continued to a suspension bridge over looking the waterfall and as we walked on the bridge, I was completely blow away with how beautiful and dramatic the falls looked. The sheer volume of water coming down them of course is creating this effect.

Looking in the other direction on the suspension bridge, showed the below view  continuing down the Black River.

In August and September and if there has been a heavy rainfall, there is a good chance that you can see salmon leaping upstream.

The final part of the walk, took us up to a view point giving a distance view of the waterfalls, which again was very striking with the autumnal colours. In the below photo you can also see a picture of the suspension bridge.

You can view a YouTube video of my visit below :

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20 thoughts on “Rogie Falls in the Highlands

  1. Never really associated Scotland with waterfalls before but the Rogie Falls look lovely. Especially with the autumn colours starting to come out. Great stuff!

  2. I am rather partial to waterfalls you know, so this was a lovely read for me 🙂 Autumn is such a picturesque time of year as well, especially when you have that crisp smell in the air, the blue sky and the multi-coloured leaves – fabulous! Thank you for sharing this pretty post 🙂

  3. Lovely post. I miss the colours of autumn – having lived in the tropics now for over two years – so I really appreciate the gorgeous pictures! I am also a fan of waterfalls and this looks lovely. Thank you for sharing.

  4. We visited the Falls of Shin when we were north of Inverness, but we missed Rogie Falls. This is so lovely at this time of year with the autumn colours. I love waterfalls. Thanks for these photos.

  5. That’s just breathtaking! I would love to see those falls, it’s really nice to be able to go to such a place!

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