The Versatile Award

I have only been writing my blog for 5 months and I have received not one, but two award nominations!

I was recently nominated for the Liebster Award and just two months later, I have been nominated for The Versatile Award. I am delighted that my efforts have been recognised and I would like to thank YOU, my followers, for all your support.

I would also like to thank A Romanian in Russia for kindly nominating me. Simona is a fantastic Travel Blogger, so do please visit her blog and follow her travels around  Russia, Thailand and Romania.


The Rules

1. Display the Versatile award badge on your blog
2. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog
3. Share any 7 facts about yourself
4. Nominate up to 10 blogs and notify them


7 Things About Me

1. I am an organisation freak. I love to plan and make lists! There is no greater feeling than crossing completed items off my lists ๐Ÿ˜‰

2. Every morning I need English tea… a bucket of. I cannot and will not function until I have had sufficient tea!

3. I have been dying my hair ginger since I was 14. Most people think its natural.

4. My favourite season is Spring. I love this time because nature is starting to wake and there is so much anticipation as to what lies ahead.

5. My favourite colour is purple

6. My fascination with period buildings started during childhood and I wanted to grow up to be an architect. That didn’t happen … I can’t draw !

7. I hate shopping at the mall. I buy as much as I can from the Internet.

Kreete from Adventurous Trails
Carrie from Two Small Potatoes
Chloe from Journey with Chloe
Shona from
Anna from Filipokie

These are all amazing blogs which are very deserving of the nomination. Please show them your support by following and subscribing.

17 thoughts on “The Versatile Award

  1. Congratulations to you, Sam for both the Versatile Blogger & Liebster Awards, both well deserved!
    I’m chuffed you’ve included my blog in your nominations & I see I’m with good company.
    Thank you!

  2. Congratulations on both the Liebster and the Versatile Blogger awards, Sam. They’re well deserved.
    Thank you so much for acknowledging as a worthy blog for the Versatile Blogger Award. I’m ecstatic!

  3. I loved reading this post and exploring your blog! You have some great experiences ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks so much for the nomination, much appreciated!

  4. I’ve never heard of someone dying their hair ginger, are you a huge Ed Sheeran fan? Spring is a great season, I agree. It’s the next season too! Prince was also a fan of purple! Great news on your awards, keep writing!

  5. Congratulations on your award! I loved learning a little more about you, and it looks like we have a few things in common. I also hate shopping (with a passion) and would rather order things online. So much easier! I also NEED to organize my life or I lose my mind. Hehe. Cheers!

  6. Congratulations for the award, you deserve it. Why are you dying your hair ginger? I used to be a fan of shopping at the mall but now I am too lazy – I rather buy plane tickets instead. Keep on writing good content!

  7. Congrats again for both awards! I can understand your need for tea, I have the same thing with coffee. Keep up the great work!!!

  8. Congratulations! Keep up all your hard work. Interesting learning about other bloggers. Definitely will check out the other blogs you nominated.

  9. Yes! Starting the morning with a bucket of tea is the only sensible way to begin a day ๐Ÿ™‚ congrats on the award!

  10. LOL we sound quite similar! 1, 2, and 7 is me to a tee! Congratulations on being recognised for your efforts. I really enjoy reading your posts and look forward to more riveting reading!

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